What I learnt this week: 27th October 2017

Publication day

Tuesday saw the publication of my second Christmas book – A Little Christmas Faith. For 99p you get a hotel in the Lake District, a couple of crazy dogs, mince pies, decoration overload. Oh and deliciously hunky guest who checks into Faith’s new hotel.

ALCF yellow cab mince pies

So did I celebrate my publication day doing something Christmassy? Going into the loft, shining up the baubles, preparing the Brussels sprouts?

Not exactly. I spent it in Blackpool. There was no snow, but plenty of rain and bracing sea air. No Santa’s grotto, but a Tower and a pier. No Father Christmas, but plenty of ho ho ho as I caught up with aunts, uncles and cousins.

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Sadly no reindeer either, but I did find these beauties when we went for a walk in the Lake District.


They weren’t the only wildlife we saw. Amazingly, we also caught sight of a goldfish in the pond of this cave.


Sorry, I didn’t have the presence of mind to take a photo of the fish so you’ll have to trust me on this. Apparently a few years ago someone put a couple of goldfish in the water as a prank. The goldfish haven’t only survived, they’ve multiplied, even though there is no plant life, not much sun, and the water is less than appetising. Hardly little devils.

Not a Christmas miracle, but pretty miraculous none the less. As was the sight of the sun that day…


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