Getting my chat fix
When I left my ‘proper’ job to pursue this crazy dream of writing romance, the one thing I was concerned about (okay, there was also the little matter of a lack of regular income) was whether I’d feel lonely, working from my little home office all day. Only my family coming in at various points during the evening for company. Oh, and the random callers wanting to sell me PPI.
You see, I love a good chat. But now, instead of a gossip around the coffee machine, I put the washing on. Instead of the chat at the start of a meeting, I fold the washing up and put it away. Instead of a conversation over lunch, I sit at my desk and have virtual conversations on social media.
Now before you start to feel sorry for me (what do you mean you weren’t?), let me stress that missing out on a good face to face chat is a price I’m very happy to pay for the joy of being able to do something I love. You see, the bit that happens in between the chatting, the actual work, doesn’t feel like work at all now. Except when I’m proof reading a manuscript I’ve read a gazillion times already, or when I’m struggling with a story line like I am now. But if it was too easy, it wouldn’t be worth doing. Apparently.
Still, now and again it’s good for this writer to get out and…well, have a chat. So that’s what I’m going to do today. I’m meeting up with a group of friends from my first antenatal class. Considering my little baby is now at university, you can see this is a special group of people. We used to meet up and discuss nappies and breast feeding and lack of sleep. Now we discuss student loans and teenage hormones. Oh and lack of sleep, thanks to our hormones. Where did those twenty years go? I think it was the kids who grew older, because in our minds we look and feel exactly the same. Only wiser (or so we tell the kids).
Bon appétit!