When the juggling stops
I write romantic fiction. It’s true…but not all the time. To earn some money, but also because I enjoy the challenge, enjoy keeping the science part of me ticking over, I’m also a medical writer. I juggle my time between the two, depending on how much medical writing I have on and whether I have publishing deadlines.
I’ve done this for four years now and I love it. So far I haven’t got the two confused.
The juggling has stopped for a while though and my medical writing has taken over, demanding all my time. And boy am I missing the romance (you know, the stuff I write. Not the stuff my husband provides because you can’t miss something you’ve never had). For over twenty years the science part of me was all I had, but I’ve been spoilt these last few years, allowed to indulge my dream.
Now when I’m meant to be focussing on science, part of my brain wants to wander. It’s aching to go back to the characters whose lives I’ve been enjoying playing with, moulding, shaping. Of course I will get back to them, but for now they are in freeze frame.
The break from them has reminded me how lucky I am to have that side to me now. And even though I’m not actually writing my romance, I’m delighted to say my Christmas book, A Second Christmas Wish, is still progressing behind the scenes. It’s currently being proof read, the blurb has been drafted and I’ve seen a couple of potential covers (love that part!).
So while I’ll still be medical writing over the next few weeks I will be looking forward to sharing more details of A Second Christmas Wish with you. Funny how I usually hate anybody talking about Christmas before December yet here I am, waffling on about it already. Come on, you need to get into the spirit too, so you might be persuaded to indulge in my next book.
Here, maybe these pictures will help. No? You wanted mince pies? Okay, I’ll try and work on that. In between all this pesky medical writing…