Finally, the exams are over and a level of peace has descended on the Freeman household. I say peace, because my sons now stay in bed for most of the day, so it is definitely quiet.
In between the quiet, a few things have happened:
- Too Charming is currently free on Kindle and iBooks, so if you’ve not read it and fancy giving it a go, this is definitely the time to get it!
- I was interviewed on the Dreaming With Open Eyes blog by Isabell about my latest book, Before You. Isabell didn’t just focus on the book though, she asked questions about Formula One, about my writing, about Jenson Button (ha – I know, I know, but she did ask, honest!). You’ll find the interview here.
- My youngest son went to his prom. Thirteen boys managed to co-ordinate both the hiring of a limo and all meeting in the same place, at the same time, to hop into it. Even when one was forced to drop out only hours before, they found another to take his place. While I totally admire their organisational skills, I wonder why my sixteen year old seems incapable of applying these same organisation skills to his bedroom.
- On Monday we settled down with pizza to watch England beat Iceland and move through to the quarter finals. Ummm. It’s a shame somebody forgot to tell the plan to the team. The match hadn’t finished before some witty souls were tweeting that only England could leave Europe twice in one week. At least the pizza was good.