What I learnt this week: 3rd May 2018

The question you’re dying to ask…

Perhaps a slight exaggeration. More likely, a total lie, but if I’d used my previous title, writing update, I doubt you’d have made it this far.

So yes, in this post I’m going to answer the question that, in my imagination, is poised on your lips, ready to be asked if only you weren’t so shy (see, imagination again. I’m a writer, I’m quite good at imagining things).

Regular visitors to my blog (umm, imagination again?) will be aware that my next book, Oh Crumbs is now available for pre-order. And yes, it is set in a biscuit company, hence my numerous mentions of cookies and terrible jokes (what did the biscuit say when it saw two friends knocked down? Crumbs ).


But I do have other book news that has nothing to do with biscuits.

Too Damn Nice, currently out as an ebook, will be available in paperback on 5thJune.


Ebooks are so convenient, but paperbacks still hold my heart. Especially as a writer. So I’m also delighted to report that A Little Christmas Faith will be out in paperback, too, early in October. How wonderful is that? Little did those rascals Nip and Tuck realise they were going to end up immortalised in a real book.

ALCF cover and dogs

On the subject of Christmas – hey, Easter is over, so it’ll be Christmas before you know it – I’ve now written The End on the book I started last Christmas (provisionally titled An Unexpected Christmas) and submitted it to my publisher. I’m really hoping their tasting panel will approve it, because I loved writing this one even more than the last two. Perhaps because I started it at the right time of year. Or perhaps because Nip and Tuck, along with Faith, Adam and the Old Mill Hotel, make a cameo appearance. It’s the first time I’ve actually managed to tie two books together.

Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?


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