It seems I spend so much of my time working towards writing The End. About five months, to be exact. Add a further month to go through this first draft and knock off the rough edges and here I am, six months after starting my sixth rom com for One More Chapter, finally in a position to submit it.
I’m so thrilled to be adding to this collection
But there’s a while to go before the book makes it out in the big wide world, and the wait to hear what my editor thinks of the story is loaded with both excitement and nerves. A bit like seeing your child off to school for the first time. I hope she’ll like Jake and Anna’s story, but I’m nervous she won’t. What does that mean in practice? Well, the edits, when they come back, could range from a few tweaks to a major re-write (gulp!).
I’ll give you more of a flavour of the story once I’ve more news, but if I tell you I’ve given it the rough title of ‘The Fake Couple’ you’ll get a gist of the premise 🙂
Meanwhile, I’m about to begin writing the next book. It’s hard to convey how exciting this stage is, with all those possibilities waiting to be crystallised. The idea for it came from a chat I had with my agent – and yes, go me, I now have one! A huge thank you to the lovely Hannah Todd from Madeleine Milburn for agreeing to take me on. We both had such a laugh discussing what will be our first book together, and now I’m sitting at my desk wondering how I can do it justice. I find the best way to start is to do a biography for my main characters. Once I’m in their heads, the rest of the story unfolds naturally…okay, okay, it’s not as easy as that, but it helps to know who the story is about as well as what the story is about.
So here it goes! I’m off to dream up my next hero – did I tell you what a tough job this writing is?! Wonder what I’ll call him?