What I learnt this month: November 2020

Writing is keeping me sane….saneish

Last month saw the launch of my new website and my self published Christmas book, A Little Christmas Hope. So what has November brought?

Another lockdown, that’s what!

Thankfully one thing I can do, lockdown or not, is write, so I’ve been busy finishing book 4 for One More Chapter. Called Mr Right Across The Street, it’s out on 21st January and is all about a guy who fancies a girl… okay, okay, I know you’ve heard that story before. But in this story, the hero, Luke Doyle, attracts Mia’s attention by putting up messages in his window because, well, the clue is in the title! I’ve just completed my edits on it and will bore you more about it next month 🙂

It’s typical, perhaps, that the time I manage to get a paperback into The Works, was also the same time all the shops closed. A kind reader did manage to take a photo of Up Close and Personal on the shelf before that happened though, which I know is far more exciting for me than it is for you, but here it is.

And on the subject of paperbacks (neatly done huh?!) it just so happens that Strictly Come Dating came out in paperback today. In celebration, I dragged out my sparkliest shoes for the photo. I should add that I did wear the shoes once, to a wedding. They might be pretty, but they’re deadly for the feet.

Next month we’ve got Christmas to look forward to. It’s going to be a strange one, that’s for sure, but there are some things we enjoy about the festive season that we can still do. Like eat mince pies, put up a tree, watch Christmas films … and of course read Christmas stories. And yes, that is just a shameless excuse for me to post a beautiful image my niece made for me of A Little Christmas Hope.

Until next month, stay safe everyone, and keep……..reading 🙂


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