Christmas arrives chez Freemans
So this was the week when Christmas finally touched the Freeman family. I usually try and put the decorations up the first week in December – if I’m going to the effort of lugging the flipping things out of the attic, and dragging a tree home, then I want maximum time to enjoy the fruits of my labour before I have to put them all back again. This year we were late, but worry not, we are now into the swing.
The tree is up. Baubles are unwrapped and, with a few nods and smiles to the memories they create, plonked on the tree. Fairy lights litter the house and the naff mixes with the elegant … okay, the naff mixes with the slightly less naff.
I even took festive photos of my paperbacks because I’m a writer and a) I’m proud of them and b) I’m trying to get other people to buy them.
Did I have any help? No. Were my family appreciative of my efforts? Umm, no again, really. They appreciated not having to do it, but weren’t exactly bowled over with excitement when they came home from school/work and saw my efforts.
What they really wanted me to do was write the Christmas cards instead. That’s a job they hate doing, but because my parents always made my brother and me sign their cards (see what you did, Mum) I make mine do the same. Christmas is all about tradition, after all. Of course when people are made to do a job they don’t enjoy, the output is often less than optimum. To those friends who received cards without my sons’ signatures, and perhaps addressed to someone else, I heartily apologise.
To top the productive week off we went Christmas shopping in Windsor – it looked so pretty you couldn’t fail but leave fully immersed in the Christmas spirit.
As I will spending next Thursday trying to buy a turkey, can I take this opportunity to thank you all for visiting my blog this year and to wish you a very happy, healthy (in terms of you feeling well – not in terms of you eating healthily, obviously) Christmas.